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Describe a landscape essay

Describe a landscape essay

describe a landscape essay

Essay Contents: Essay on the Introduction to Landscape Essay on the Meaning of Landschaft and/or Landschaftskunde (Landscape) and Region Essay on the Origin of Concepts: Landschaft and Region Essay on the Synthesis between Cultural and Natural Regions Essay on Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins Landscapes Essay Cezanne, Lowry and Landscapes Essay. Cezanne, Lowry and Landscapes Cezanne Paul Cezanne, who was the son of a wealthy Landscapes Through The Ages By Claude Lorrain 's Seaport With The Embarkation Of The Queen Of Sheba Essay. Landscaping After reviewing the Department of  · Landscapes Essay. The world we live in today is always changing, whether it be technology or the land. As these changes take place, society must adapt to them. Many things begin to change as a result of this and society beings to turn into something completely different

Landscapes Essay - Words

It was Philippe Buache, the French geographer, who in the mid-eighteenth century came out with a concept of an Earth marked off into major basins bordered by continuous ranges of mountains. Earth surface can be indefinitely sub-divided into segments of various sizes. A region is identified by specified criteria and its boundaries are determined by these criteria, describe a landscape essay.

On the land these are drainage basins, and the mountains form the drainage divides between different river systems. Perhaps his concept would not have gained such a wider support had it not been for German geographer, Johann Christoph Gattener, who identified the drainage basins as natural regions and used them as the frame of organisation for geographical texts. In the second half of the nineteenth century, describe a landscape essay, there was little concern over this concept.

With the renewed interest describe a landscape essay regional geography at the turn of the century, the concept of region as definite, concrete, describe a landscape essay, if not natural, unit reappeared. A landschaft may either be a specific unit area or type of area.

Humboldt and Wimmer used landschaft to refer to the visual impression, the aesthetic appreciation of beauty of the observable phenomena over the surface of the Earth.

However, the use of the word in the sense of an area of uniform aspect has never entirely disappeared. Otto Schluter, describe a landscape essay, however, noted that accepting the landscape as the subject matter of geography would give the field a logical definition, like that of any other academic field except history.

The non-material content of an area-such as political organisation, religious beliefs, economic situations or even the statistical averages of climate could not be considered primary objects of geographical study, although this could be introduced to explain the observable landscape, describe a landscape essay. Both recognised that there were distinctly different kinds of areas on the Earth which were distinguished from their surroundings and which showed a certain degree of homogeneity within boundaries that could be defined.

However, Hettner stressed the ways in which features of a region reflected the basic patterns of the physical Earth, but Schluter emphasised that the attention in the interrelation of these features tended to provide the region its distinctive appearance.

the cultural landscape. He specifically included man as a part of landscape. But some of his followers insisted on restricting the term only to those material objects that could be seen. Leo Waibel insought to point out that the word came into common use in Germany just at the time when geographers were focusing their studies on smaller and smaller areas, for which the word landschaft with its meaning as a small region seemed more appropriate than the word for a larger region Gebiet.

The uncertainty regarding the exact meaning of this word is responsible for a conceptual error that still persists. Combining these meanings it becomes possible to assert that a region is a concrete reality and not just an intellectual construct. Most German geographers, however, followed Schluter in identifying the study of landscape as the central theme of geography.

Man, behaving in accordance with the norms of his culture, performs work on the physical and biotic features of his natural surroundings and transforms them into the cultural landscape, describe a landscape essay. Culture is the agent, the natural area is the medium, and the cultural landscape is the result. Under the influence of a given culture, itself changing through time, the landscape undergoes development, passing through phases, and probably reaching ultimately the end of its cycle of development.

To understand the changes man has made on the face of the Earth, it is necessary to go back for enough time to establish the nature of processes. The contact of man with his changeful house, as expressed through the cultural landscape, is our field of work. The study of landscape is the study of the essence of the societies which mould them. There is much controversy among the professional geographers with regard to the extent to which a landscape is analogous to a region.

Is a region different from a landscape? Is a landscape a concrete viable geographical entity or an arbitrarily chosen fragment of land? The word landscape here refers to the cultural landscape.

A region in the Vidalean tradition is an area over which such an intimate relationship between man and nature has developed through the centuries which tends to constitute it. In the evolution of a landscape, the role of the human agency is of paramount importance, but in the case of a region, if the Vidalean tradition is to be believed, it is the intimate nature of relationship between man and nature over centuries that concerns much in its evolution.

However, a landscape is not necessarily akin to a region. Nevertheless, they appear to be analogous to each other because of the role of the human agency vis-a-vis the man-nature intimate relations in this evolution. The landscape study and the interpretation of the region essentially include and involve existentialism and phenomenology. on the extent of cultural development. The original natural landscape, however, is not the same as the present theoretical natural landscape.

Nature has not been static during thousands of years that man has lived on the Earth, describe a landscape essay. Consequently, it can be said that the natural landscape is a theoretical conception that not only does not exist in reality, but never did exist. Something more or less like it did exist in the original primeval landscape which, in complete form, only the first man to arrive in any area could observe. The origin of the concept of the region can be found in the writings of the pre-classical geographers from whom it may be traced through Ritter and possibly Ratzel.

Its greatest development in the present time appears to have been furthered first by the works of Schluter and Passarge, both of whom have presented it in opposition to the methodology of Hettner.

Passarge in particular tended to emphasise the purpose of presenting the total form from a Landschaft: in opposition to merely analytic method of Hettner. Both these concepts were introduced into German geography not later than the beginning of the nineteenth century.

Humboldt used the term primarily in the sense of the aesthetic character of an area, though he might have occasionally used it in other sense also. Similarly, Oppel and Wimmer both regarded the landschaft primarily from the aesthetic point of view, but the latter also included social features as a part of the landschaft as a coherent whole. The majority of German geographers of the early twentieth century tended to use the word Landschaft in either sense without distinguishing them. Even the writers who sought to use the term more or less synonymous with region are by no means in agreement on what the term included.

Schluter repeatedly emphasised the difference between his use of the term and that of Passarge. There were no differences in determining limits, describe a landscape essay, but the differences were about the kinds of things which were included in the Landschaft, whatever its limits.

He seemed to have proceeded from the psychic sensation produced by an area to the objects in the area that caused the sensation. In order to conserve the strict meaning of Landschaft as the sensational landscape, Grano suggested other terms, but those who followed him simply transferred the word Landschaft or landscape to the objects in the area that are responsible for our sensations of landscape.

In fact, he sought to make man a major Landschaft element. Passarge, in contrast, excluded not only man, but also animal life in general, because otherwise it was too difficult to separate one Landschaft region from another. He also sought to limit his Landschaft to natural, non-human elements, thereby including describe a landscape essay like natural vegetation that might no longer be in existence. To a geographer who is primarily a geomorphologist, a term covering the visible objects of an area seems sufficient.

To one primarily interested in cultural geography, something must be done to make man, the active cultural agent, assume a stature proportional to his importance.

All of the above writers employ the word landschaft as limited to physically perceptible objects. Those who, however, wish to include the non-material phenomena as objects of direct study in a geography that studies the landschaft have a greater difficulty in defining their concept.

He did not define Landschaft, but his description of what was included in describe a landscape essay appeared to represent all that any geographer would include in the study of an area. Landschaft may be used to indicate a unit political area as a whole, including its population, describe a landscape essay, commonly one of describe a landscape essay size than a land. To Krebs, the term Landschaft refers not so much to the particular individual area, describe a landscape essay, but rather to certain aspects of its character that are considered as typical of many similar areas.

The majority of the contemporary German scholars preferred to use Landschaft more or less in the sense that the Americans used region though each defined it in a different way. Waibel, however, observed that the contemporary drive in Germany was to see things as they were together to consider the totality of phenomena landscape.

To many American geographers, the German Landschafi meant Landscape, which is an area made up of a distinct association of forms, describe a landscape essay.

The forms superimposed on the physical landscape by the activities of man—cultural landscape. His concept of landscape requires to be defined either as the area minus its phenomena or the area in so far as it is material. If they thought that the geographic region should be regarded as including non-material features, describe a landscape essay, then the state should be included as an element of landscape, just as Maull included it as an element of the Landschaft.

The use of the word landscape by the complementary English geographers carried the same meaning as did their American counterparts. This concept represents the German Landschaft to which many German and American geographers adhered.

The concept of a piece of area somehow distinct from neighboring pieces of area is much more definitely suggested by region than by landscape. If it be claimed that a region sounds like a larger piece of area than the geographers may wish to select it as a unit, landscapes then suggest a very much smaller piece. Many, following Schluter, spoke of sensually perceptible features—all objects that are theoretically, directly observable as sights, sounds, smell and feelings. To many, this concept was suggested by the common meaning of landscape.

Grano selected all the features of an area that were responsible for human sensation. To describe a landscape essay, therefore, the word landschaft meant a concept of sensation.

The word landscape does suggest some objective single reality outside our sensations. It is a concept that represents a certain distinct and real aspect of an area. Presumably all would agree that describe a landscape essay particular combination of interrelated features makes it different from any other area.

This is what the German geographers asserted with regard to the concept of region. However, the vertical concept of unity seems to be more applicable to any area, whether it is homogeneous or heterogeneous. Each of its parts is related in some way to others. In Germany, this vertical form of unity is called a Ganheit or Whole. In a Ganheit or a Whole, the parts are dependent not merely on each other but on the Whole and cannot be properly interpreted in terms of each other independently of the Whole.

The Whole is something more than the sum of its parts, arid is relatively independent of outside elements. To Bunges, a Gestall is a dynamic structure in which the parts reach into other functionally, and can be understood only in view of the whole. All living organisms, certain kinds of groups of living things, describe a landscape essay, as in a family and to a certain degree in a people, and certain phenomena of experience may be examples of Wholes Gestalten.

Any area we select will have structure and will include forms that are in functional relation to each other. Even if we are not to consider the region as a primary Whole, something may still be gained if we can consider it as at least a loose unity, in the sense of a complex of related elements forming a relatively closed system—the unitary self-enclosed Landschaft….

The region has structure, form, and function and hence a position in a system. To have these attributes the region must obviously have fairly describe a landscape essay limits and since the region can only be defined in terms of area it must have fairly definite areal limit.

The problem of drawing the limits of regions cannot be solved simply by substituting boundary zones in describe a landscape essay of lines. Passarge recognised that vegetation or climate and landforms could be considered as possible elements to solve the problem of delimitation of areas.

Indeed, in most of his works he relied entirely on vegetation, though often this was confused with climate describe a landscape essay. Nevertheless, he recognised that even with but two factors it might be necessary to resort to arbitrary selection of lines of convenience.

If the mountains grade through foothills into the plain, but the forest grass boundary is sharp, then this line may conveniently be used as the Landschaft boundary. But Passarge did not realise that this simply introduces the double problem of delimiting the transition describe a landscape essay on either side. Most of the scholars who uphold the describe a landscape essay of region as actual units attempt to include at least the material features of culture as well as the natural features.

How to Write Descriptive Landscapes - Creative Writing Workshop for Reading to Write Year 11

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Landscape: Compilation of Essays on Landscape | Geography

describe a landscape essay

 · How to Describe a Landscape. Posted on July 8, by Jacqui Murray 47 Comments. They are many and varied, so I’ll just touch on each. These, as usual, come from writing I admire, so don’t copy them. Use them to inspire your own creativity: Open land. Flat, dry, and monotonous, a seemingly limitless scrub waste without landmarks or water Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins Landscapes Essay Cezanne, Lowry and Landscapes Essay. Cezanne, Lowry and Landscapes Cezanne Paul Cezanne, who was the son of a wealthy Landscapes Through The Ages By Claude Lorrain 's Seaport With The Embarkation Of The Queen Of Sheba Essay. Landscaping After reviewing the Department of Descriptive Essay Final The downtown metropolis can be a complex place, and some may need to become accustomed to it. It is Five O' Clock in the afternoon. The sun is starting to drag itself lower, dimming the landscape, leaving a majestic orange on the horizon. The towering structures above leave enormous shadows on the people below

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